Incendiary Arts

integrated multimedia

system design, sales & installation

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justBook-ish AV system completed


We have completed work on the AV system we designed and installed for Words as Worlds and their bookstore justBook-ish. The ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, November 23, 2024 at 11 AM.

Here is the stage area. Yes, by design, the video projection is highly visible during the brightest part of the day—even without window shades.

The Fulcrum Acoustic RX699 main loudspeakers, visible on each side of the projection screen, are small but mighty and sound terrific. Their co-axial design is particularly effective for live vocal reinforcement.

There are two touch panel controllers. One, near the cash register, controls only the licensed background music playback. Here is the other touch panel which also controls the background music as well as the audio and video for the stage.

all audio conference hospitality network retail rigging theatre video