Incendiary Arts

integrated multimedia

system design, sales & installation

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PTV audio problems—don't do this!


Incendiary Arts was engaged by Provincetown Community Television to solve an audio problem with their remote Town Hall control booth.

After clearing out a pile of snarled cable almost two feet deep, we found the cause of the problem.

Don’t do this! This was in a single output of an audio distribution amplifier (DA)—a device made expressly for the correct distribution of audio to multiple inputs.

The relative impedance of outputs to inputs matters. Adding all of these inputs to a single output can cause all sorts of problems. That’s why the DA exists.

Cable snarls are a common problem caused by changing needs and changing technologies over time. However, they can make troubleshooting difficult and time consuming, hence expensive.

We, naturally, recommend hiring professional studio outfitters when changes are required.

all audio studio video